Our Programs
Transforming the Experience-Based Brain
An inovative and biophysiological approach to working with those adults and children who have experienced Developmental Trauma. We work with a set of protocols building somatic trust in our client's bodies. As Healers we sit with the client not trying to fix our clients. There are many opportunities in the work to heal through rupture and repair while improving attachment.
Transforming the Experience-Base Brain: Advance Training
Growing your Transforming Touch® Practice with Advanced programs for senior students and graduates.
Transforming Experience Group
This is a place where we learn and we heal together in a small group limited to 10 maximum. We work as a fish bowl with one client/therapist at a time with others in the circle holding space. Steve actively works in the dyad and offers guidance to the therapist and the client. These two days are filled with opportunities to learn and use your skills.