"Healing is fluid. Healing can not be held down to logic"...sterrell 12:01:21
Meet the Teaching Team

- Stephen Terrell, PsyD Lead Facilitator

- Ellen Keating, PsyD Lead Facilitator

- Robin Sullivan, MA, LMFT Lead Assistant

- Heather Smith Administrative Lead

Become a Transforming Touch® Practitioner
Join the thousands of Practitioners implementing Transforming Touch®'s scientific Regulation-Focused Approach for treating Trauma. Transforming Touch® Practitioners implement a series of Regulation-Focused Enhancements to improve regulation and reduce the effects of early stress and trauma on the nervous system. Transforming Touch® Regulation-Focused Approach can be a stand-alone treatment modality for treating complex or Developmental Trauma, or it can be used to support the effectiveness of other modalities. We often discover that those with who experience shock trauma have an underlying developmental trauma.
We offer students several ways to learn Transforming Touch®: 1.) Transforming Intentional Touch is the primary focus of the Online Learning. We have found many students are not able to travel for many different reasons. This way you will complete the Skills Building portion of the training online with other students in breakout rooms over Zoom®. You will also receive access to in person demos and can ask questions about working in person. 2.) For those considering learning Transforming Touch® in person, we offer a hybrid program to reduce the student's expenses. The majority of lectures are prerecorded and we ask that you review all the videos prior to the start of the program. On site, you will work in triads and have some lecture time. 3.) Independent Learning for those who want to join a class that is in progress or prefer learning on a 1:1, approach where they will work directly with a Senior Assistant for the Skills Building portion of the training.
To reduce your cost of learning Transforming the Experience-Based Brain® and becoming a Transforming Touch® Practitioner, we have designed a two-part training experience for students. All the lectures are taught through pre-recorded videos online for each of our learning approaches. The Skill Building portion is taught in-person, online, or 1:1. This reduces time away from home costs and travel-related costs.
Transforming Touch® Practitioners complete all three modules and show competency during the Skill Building experience along with the following requirements:
1.) Complete all 3 modules of Transforming Touch® training and be in good standing.
2.) All students my complete 12 hours of personal sessions (with an approved provider) and 6 hours of consultation (you can receive credit with individual consultations with an approved provider or by attending the free consultations with Ellen on Tuesday or Steve or Robin on Thursdays.)
All modules and associated requirements must be completed prior to receiving the Transforming Touch® Practitioner Certificate.
- Module 1:
Recommend 4 personal sessions with approved provider and 2 credits hours of case consultations - Module 2:
Recommend 4 personal sessions with approved provider and 2 credits hours of case consultations - Module 3:
Recommend 4 personal sessions with approved provider and 2 credits hours of case consultations
Case Consultation and Personal Session Details
The one-on-one Personal Sessions provided for credit throughout the training are intended as a support for the students’ experiential learning process of Transforming Touch®, although it is understood that these sessions may also contribute to the learner’s personal growth and development. All information shared with the provider and held strictly confidential.
In a Personal Session, students experience Transforming Touch® from the client perspective, and experience how the Transforming Touch® Practitioner has integrated Transforming Touch® into their practices. The sessions provided in this context allow Transforming Touch® Practitioners to share knowledge and expertise with students as they learn to integrate Transforming Touch® within their scope of practice.
The one-on-one Individual Case Consultations provided for credit through the training give students the opportunity to examine the application of Transforming Touch® with their clients through the services provided by an approved Transforming Touch® Consultation Provider. These Case Consults reinforce the student’s
Transforming Touch® skill development and professional development (i.e., countertransference, scope of practice, etc.).
These Case Consultations are a professional service focused on the application and integration of Transforming Touch® into a student’s professional practice.
Group Case Consultations provided for credit throughout the training include elements of the teaching function; Like Individual Case Consultations, these group consultations provide students the opportunity to examine the application of Transforming Touch® with their clients through the services provided by an approved Consultation Provider as they address the questions of all group participants.
Case Consultations reinforce students’ Transforming Touch® development and professional development (i.e., countertransference, scope of practice etc.).
It is strongly recommended that personal sessions and case consultations are distributed throughout the training as indicated above to receive maximum educational benefit. This will ensure receipt of valuable input and support as students progress through the training.
In the case that all recommended credits are not completed before commencement of the current training year, students may receive sessions and consultations at times that meet the students needs better.
What is Transforming the Experience-Based Brain®?
Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB) is a "Trauma-Informed" modality that implements Regulation-Focused Approach to the repair and healing of Developmental Trauma. The modality is based on the idea that when there are ruptures during early platform development, they continue to disrupt a person's life. TEB incorporates presence, regulation, and relationship to repair these ruptures.
Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB) creates a Safe Haven where the client can begin to experience a sense of trust between themselves and the therapist. Even though these changes may be subtle, they hold powerful consequences for our client.
Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB) allows for a series of ruptures and repairs. This creates the opportunity to redesign those earlier platforms.
Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB) supports the importance of presence and relationship. John Bowlby's work showed us the importance of the Secure Base while growing and healing. This relationship supports the client's transition from insecure attachment to earned secure attachment. This transition opens the way for the client to show increased vulnerability which increases the potential for healing..
Transforming the Experience-Based Brain (TEB) reflects the understandings of Developmental Trauma and relies on studies such as Adverse Childhood Experience Study. This study shows the importance of intervention in someone's life who was exposed to Developmental Trauma. Intervention can and will prevent a lifetime of disease.

Get Training Updates
Who is this training for?
This training is open to all those who support healing in others, those who work in a therapeutic or educational setting, including but not limited to the following:
- Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist, Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, Art or Music Therapist
- Medical Doctor, Registered Nurse, Chiropractor
- Body Worker, Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy
- or attended Somatic Experiencing Training, Sensory Motor Training, Hakomi Training, or a Somatic Training Program, Touch Skills for Therapist, or Somatic Resilience and Regulation
- Currently have a "Healing" practice
- If you are unsure about your qualifications, please reach out to the training site coordinator

Transforming Touch® Practitioner Training IT'S HYBRID
"You can learn either in person, online, or Independent Learning"

Virtual Transforming Touch® Training
Watch pre-recorded lectures online at your own pace
Watch all demos online at your own pace
3 full days of Skill Building Intentionally online
Triads in Break out rooms during Skill Building
No travel or lodging expenses

Virtual 2 Transforming Touch® Training
Watch pre-recorded lectures online at your own pace
Watch all demos online at your own pace
Learn 6 Enhancements online with Senior Assistant
Triads in Break out rooms during Skill Building
No travel or lodging expenses

Live Transforming Touch® Training
Watch pre-recorded lectures online at your own pace
Watch all demos online at your own pace
3.5 days of Skill Building at location with peers
Triads with other students live during training.
Review of Enhancements onsite
Two Ways to Learn and Apply Transforming the Experience-Based Brain to your practice:
Transforming Presence is an effective way of facilitating regulation within our client's nervous systems. The protocols and enhancements are designed to work with or without physical touch. The power of working with intention has been shared from therapists around the world. Some believe it is stronger than using physical touch. Transforming Presence is an effective treatment for those who work in agencies that prohibit physical touch and for those limited by licensure laws. This is also the chosen path for telemedicine.
Transforming Touch® is an effective way of facilitating regulation within our client's nervous systems using physical touch. The protocols and enhancements are designed to work with or without physical touch. Those who touch begin to bring awareness to the space and to their own presence. This awareness and consistently enhances a client's level of healing.

- Mina Roustayi TEB Graduate

- Gerardine Boyle TEB Graduate

- Anita Mandley TEB Graduate & Senior Assistant
From a movie that Jodie saw following a day of Skill Building:
When you are underwater for months time, You lose all sense of day and night.
And there is only awake and dreaming.
It's not that those things are easy to distinguish.
- Underwater
- Jodie
Over the last year and a half, I had experienced knee, hip, and back pain that was partially and temporarily relieved with massage. I was referred by a friend to work with Tammy for what I thought was a traditional massage. After meeting in person with Tammy for the first time and hearing an explanation of her process, I was intrigued by the possibility that she may actually be able to address the root of my pain and possibly provide me more permanent pain relief.
- Tammy Lord, BS, LMT, RY aka Spirit Speaker TEB Graduate
Module Objectives
- Shock vs Developmental Trauma
- Threat Response and Stresses
- Implicit vs Explicit Memory
- Locus of Control
- Internal
- External
- Autonomic Nervous System
- Self Regulation
- Co-Regulation
- Hierarchy of Healing
- Homeostasis
- Allostatic Load
- Transforming Touch® vs Transforming Intentional Touch
- Transforming Ethics
- The Four Agreements
- Bowlby's 4 points of Healing
- Seven Point Protocol
- Therapeutic Centering
- Types of Touch
- Enhancements
- 7 Point Protocol
- Triangle of Healing
- Fear Paralysis Reflex
- Palmar/ Grasp Primitive Reflex
- Tonic Labyrinthine
- Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
- Polyvagal Theory
- Adverse Childhood Experience Study
- Dorsal States
- Window of Tolerance
- Faux Window of Tolerance
- Sympathetic Response
- Parasympathetic Response
- Defensive Accommodations
- Language of Trauma RepairRupture and Repair
- Review Attachment Theory
- Secure Survival Attachment
- Anxious-Resistant Survival Attachment
- Avoidant Survival Attachment
- Disorganized
- Erikson's Psychosocial Development Theory
- Safe Haven and Missattunement
- Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
- Cortisol
- Adrenaline / Epineferine
- Rooting/sucking reflex
- Palmar Grasp Reflex
- Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
- The Midline and why it is important
- Enhancements:
- Spinal Galant
- Moro Reflex
- Rooting Reflex
- Sucking Reflex
- Landau Primitive Reflex
- Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
- Neuroception vs Interoception
- 4 Layers, Physical, Intellectual
Emotional & Spiritual - Over Coupled vs Under Coupled
- Pendulation & Titration
- The Digestive System
- Eating Disorders
- Story Telling
- Shame
- Grief/Loss
- Anxiety & Separation
- Connecting the Process
- Enhancements:
- H-P-A axis
- Over-Coupling
- Under-Coupling
- Vagus Nerve
- Digestive System
- Layers
References For The Use Of Touch
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Field, T., Delage, J. & Hernandez-Reif, M. Movement and massage therapy reduce fibromyalgia pain. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther. 7, 49–52 (2003).
Field, T. et al. Fibromyalgia pain and substance P decrease and sleep improves after massage therapy. J. Clin. Rheumatol. 8, 72–76 (2002).
Field, T., Diego, M., Gonzalez, G. & Funk, C. G. Neck arthritis pain is reduced and range of motion is increased by massage therapy. Complement. Ther. Clin. Pract. 20, 219–223 (2014).
Field, T., Diego, M., Hernandez-Reif, M., Deeds, O. & Figueiredo, B. Pregnancy massage reduces prematurity, low birthweight and postpartum depression. Infant Behav. Dev.32, 454–460 (2009).
Field, T. et al. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 increased in preterm neonates following massage therapy. J. Dev. Behav. Pediatr. 29, 463–466 (2008).
Field, T., Diego, M., Hernandez-Reif, M., Schanberg, S. & Kuhn, C. Massage therapy effects on depressed pregnant women. J. Psychosom. Obstet. Gynecol. 25, 115–122 (2004).
Field, T., Diego, M., Hernandez-Reif, M. & Shea, J. Hand arthritis pain is reduced by massage therapy. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther. 11, 21–24 (2007).
Field, T., Gonzalez, G., Diego, M. & Mindell, J. Mothers massaging their newborns with lotion versus no lotion enhances mothers’ and newborns’ sleep. Infant Behav. Dev. 45, 31–37 (2016).
Field, T. et al. Children with asthma have improved pulmonary functions after massage therapy. J. Pediatr. 132, 854–858 (1998).
Field, T., Hernandez-Reif, M., Diego, M. & Fraser, M. Lower back pain and sleep disturbance are reduced following massage therapy. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther. 11, 141–145 (2007).
Field, T. et al. Effects of sexual abuse are lessened by massage therapy. J. Bodyw. Mov. Ther. 1, 65–69 (1997).
Field, T. et al. Pregnant women benefit from massage therapy. J. Psychosom. Obstet. Gynecol. 20, 31–38 (1999).
Field, T. et al. Juvenilerheumatoid arthritis: benefits from massage therapy. J. Pediatr. Psychol. 22, 607–617 (1997).
Field, T., Hernandez-Reif, M., Taylor, S., Quintino, O. & Burman, I. Labor pain is reduced by massage therapy. J. Psychosom. Obstet. Gynecol. 18, 286–291 (1997).
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