Transforming Touch® Practitioner Training
Click on a Module below to Register For Training
Ireland Coordinator: Yvonne Cunningham -
Galway, Ireland
There are no training programs scheduled in this area at this time.
Become a Certified Transforming Touch® Practioner
Join the thousands of Practitioners using Dr. Terrell's scientific approach to transform your practice. This premium training has been designed to help you improve outcomes in all therapies.
- Hybrid in Person or Online Training
- Lectures are Pre-recorded Videos
- Skill Building is offered online or in person
- Demonstration Sessions
- Supervised Learning
- Successfully complete Modules 1-3
- Free Ongoing Consultation
- Reduced or no travel costs or time away from office
Training Perks
Students may repeat any completed module for 50% of the regular course fee.
- Heal the Healer: "Where can I go for an intensive offering up to 6 Healing Enhancements? The first time I experienced the training for my clients, the second time was for me and my clients, and all the rest are just for me"
- After completion of M1, Students are encouraged to trade sessions with others from around the world.
- After completion of M1, Students can attend free group Case Consultation weekly.
- After completion of M1, Students can attend a free healing session weekly.
- After completion of M1, Students can attend a free enhancement review weekly.
- After completion of each module, students will receive Enhancement Cards
- After completion of M3, Transforming Touch® Practitioners may sign up on at no charge.
Suggested Reading
"Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma" by Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell
Lead Assistant for Ireland
Assistants are available for Sessions! A great way to experience Transforming Touch.

Somatic Healer and Transforming Touch® Practitioner
Ellen Keating is a licensed psychologist in Wheaton, IL, who works with Developmental Trauma and Transforming Touch. She originally trained in emotion-focused therapy and noticed how clients would go from accessing deeper emotions directly into their traumas. Thus, she became interested in the healing of trauma. She explored Gestalt therapy, focusing, EMDR, and working with parts of the self. Ultimately, she discovered somatic healing and saw the power of touch for the healing of trauma. In particular, when she began to work with Transforming Touch, she noticed that her clients came into an even greater possibility for healing, resolving trauma, and having a full and satisfying life. This developed into her belief that through attunement, attachment, and regulation, even the “oldest” wounds can be helped and healed!
Ellen is a lead assistant for the Transforming the Experience-Based Brain trainings and does extensive consultations for touch therapists. She has conducted thousands of Transforming Touch sessions with clients and believes wholeheartedly in the power of this healing work.
Check Out Our Webinars
Want to learn more about our trainings? Then join us during one of our free webinars or watch previous sessions.